
Senin, 20 April 2015




PROCEDURE TEXT adalah sebuah teks yang menjelaskan bagaimana cara melakukan atau bagaimana cara menggunakan instruksi atau petunjuk pengoperasian suatu alat misalnya: bagaimana cara menggunakan kamera digital, bagaimana cara menjalankan sebuah mobil, bagaimana cara mengoperasikan komputer, atau pun bagaimana cara membuat sesuatu misalnya: cara membuat kue, cara membuat hiasan meja, cara membuat milkshake, dll.


Memberi petunjuk tentang cara melakukan sesuatu melalui serangkaian tindakan atau langkah.


  • Goal (Tujuan); berisi tentang apa yang akan dilakukan
  • Materials (Bahan-bahan); berisi daftar bahan dan atau alat yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan. (namun bagian ini tidak wajib, bersifat opsional)
  • Steps (Langkah-langkah); berisi serangkaian tindakan/ langkah-langkah yang mengarah tercapainya tujuan awal.


  • Menggunakan kalimat perintah; misalnya put into, mix, cook and wait until boiled; add sugar and milk.
  • Menggunakan 'Action Verbs' / 'material process' (kata kerja tindakan) misalnya: take, turn, grind, stir, put, dsb.
  • Menggunakan 'connectives' (kata penghubung) yangn mengurutkan kegiatan misalnya: first, second, then, after that, next, while dsb.
  • 'Adverbials' untuk menyatakan rincian waktu, tempat atau cara yang akurat, misalnya: wait for ten minutes, mix thoroughly, dsb.
  • Subjek / pelaku disini biasanya 'you' yang besrifat implisit (tersirat) misalnya; add salt and grind all spices. Disini sudah jelas pelakunya 'you' maka tidak perlu ditulis.


How To Make Fried Rice
How To Make Fried Rice

  • 2 plates of rice
  • 1 clove of garlic and onion
  • 1 tablespoon tomato sauce
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • 100 grams of chicken meat
  • 1 tablespoon cooking oil
  • Salt
  1. First Heat oil and saute garlic until the garlic smell out, and also saute onion.
  2. After that Add chicken, stir briefly until slightly cooked.
  3. Next Add the eggs, stirring until eggs are cooked cracked.
  4. And Then Insert white rice, tomato sauce, and salt, mix well with the spices.
  5. After the, the present suit your taste,you can add fried shrimp, or even crackers. 
How to Make Chicken Soup
text procedure How to Make Chicken Soup

  •  1 kg whole chicken
  •  4 carrots, halved
  •  4 stalks celery, halved
  •  1 large onion, halved
  •  water to cover
  •  salt and pepper to taste
  •  1 teaspoon chicken bouillon granules

    1. Add chicken, carrots, celery and onion in a large soup pot and cover with cold water.
    2. Heat and simmer, uncovered, until the chicken meat falls from the bones (skim off foam every so often).
    3.  Take everything out of the pan. Strain broth.
    4. Choose meat from the bones and cut the carrots, celery and onions. Season broth with salt, pepper and chicken broth to taste, if desired.
    5. Return the chicken, carrots, celery and onions to the pan, stir together chicken soup prepared in the present .
    How To Make Pizza
    Text Procedure How To Make Pizza

    • 1 - 1/4 Oz Envelopes - active dry yeast (or 2 1/4 tsp)
    • 1 1/2 cup - warm water (110 ° F - 115 ° F)
    • 4 Cups - Bread flour
    • 1 1/2 tsp. - Salt
    • 2 tablespoons. - Extra virgin olive oil
    • 1 tablespoon. - Sugar
    • extra flour
    • Extra olive oil
    1. Put the yeast in a bowl, add the sugar and warm water to it.
    2. Mix thoroughly.
    3. Wait 5-10 minutes, after which the dough will release very few small bubbles.
    4. Take the bread flour, add salt, pour the milk into the batter. Now add the yeast mixture into the dough.
    5. knead it vigorously for about 10 minutes. Then a little oil and place the bowl of dough in it.
    6. Poke the dough with your fingers about three times as can be seen in the image below:
    7. Cover the bowl with a paper wrap with air so tight and then let it rise for about 2 hours.
    8. After about 2 hours, check your dough and move it a little to see that the texture looks like this:
    9. After this you just scoop out the dough and continue kneading until you feel quite soft and not attached to the object that you are kneading on. It will eventually look like this:
    10. you've finished, your pizza dough to a 14-inch pizza
    11. Pizza is ready to be served.
    How to Make Cake
    How To Make Cake

    • 12 eggs 
    • 1/4 kg of butter 
    • 3/8 kg of sugar 
    • 2 sachet of vanilla 
    • 1/2 tbs of Ovalet 
    • 3 1/2 ons of wheat flour 
    • 5 tbs of milk powder 
    • 1 package of chocolate powder. 
    1. Remove the egg yolk and albumen and place them in different bowl.
    2. Mix the butter, sugar, vanilla, and ovalet for 10 minutes. 
    3. Put the yolk into the dough and blend again at least 10 minutes.
    4. Pour the wheat flour little by little into the dough and stir well. 
    5. Pour the milk powder little by little into the dough and stir well. 
    6. Pour the chocolate powder little by little into the dough and stir well. 
    7. Blend the albumen around 5 minutes. 
    8. Pour the albumen into the dough. Blend them around 10 minutes. 
    9. Prepare a baking pan lubricated with butter. Pour the dough. Put into the oven and bake around 40 minutes in 25 degrees celcius. 
    10. Lift the cake and put on the plate. Spread some sugar on it. The bolu cake is ready to serve. 

    How To Make Egg and Lemon Soup 

    How To Make Egg and Lemon Soup  
      •  3 pints chicken stock
      •  Juice of 2 Lemons
      •  3 oz rice
      • salt and pepper
      • 4 eggs, well beaten
      1.  Put stock into a pan and heat until boiling.
      2. Add rice and cook on low heat for fifteen minutes.
      3. Mix together egg and lemon juice.
      4. Add three tablespoons of stock to the mixture and stir.
      5. Stir this mixture into the remaining stock in pan.
      6. Add a little of salt and pepper.
      7. Cook gently for three minutes.
      How To Make Orange Juice
      • 125 ml sugar 
      • 5 ml Vanilla extract 
      • 1 handful ice cubes
      • 165 ml orange juice concentrate 
      • 250 ml milk 
      • 250 ml water 
        1. Combine all ingredients in blender except ice cubes. 
        2. Add ice cubes and blend until smooth  3. Pour in a glass
        How To Make Mango Juice

        • A glass of ice pack
        • A spoon of sugar
        • A piece of mango
        • A half glass of water

            1. First, peel the mango and clean it
            2. Next, cut the mango into pieces and put them into the juicer
            3. Then, put the water, ice and sugar
            4. After that turn on the juice and wait about 15 seconds
            5. Finally, pour the mango juice into the glass and ready to drink

            How to Make Tomato Soup
            How to Make Tomato Soup

            • 8 cups of water
            • ¼ Teaspoon of pepper
            • Small clove garlic
            •  ¼ Teaspoon of butter
            • 4 large tomatoes
            • Spices
            • 1 small onion
            • ½ teaspoon of salt
            1. Cut tomatoes, onions, and garlic into small pieces.
            2. Fry them in a pan with butter for five minutes.
            3. Add water, spices, salt and pepper.
            4. Heat until the water boils.
            5. Turn down the heat and cover with lid. Cook gently for one hour.

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